Glass & Plastic

visitez le site web fat. Subcutaneous fat is belly fat you can feel if you pinch extra skin and tissue around your middle. Visceral fat is fat that builds up deep within the abdomen in the space around the organs. Too much visceral fat is strongly linked with a higher risk of serious health problems.

Glass & Plastic Industry

SmartVision provides solutions for the inspection, identification, measurement and quality control for Glass & Plastic Industry, to inspect thermoformed components.

Product that best identifies the optimization of dimensional quality control is Smart_Projector, which performs accurate dimensional checks on finished products and components.

Its use in production offers considerable advantages at the entire process and optimizes the quality reducing noteworthy costs resulting from poor quality production process.

For colored or semitransparent plastic or glass control, is advisable the system Easy_Spectro_RX, which allows to supervise the color control and its transmittance on any item.


Fast Industrial Video Measuring Machine with ZOOM and four FoVs: ø 12/24/48/90 (mm)


Fast Industrial Bi-Magnification Video Measuring Machine with two FoVs: 60×45/108×73 (mm)

Smart_Projector 168
Smart_Projector 168

Fast Industrial Video Measuring Machine with a 168×113 (mm) FoV


Handheld Video Measuring Instrument available in two different FoVs


Industrial Spectrophotometer for Glass & Plastic Color Check


Live-Video Spot Colorimeter