
Le prix du médicament inclut la consultation en ligne du médecin, du pharmacien, le médicament authentique et la livraison par UPS, sous 24heures, dans un colis discret et confidentiel. lien orlistat, traitement original de Roche, fait perdre 30% de la graisse des aliments consommés. Paiement sécurisé. Livraison 24h.

Automotive Sector

SmartVision provides solutions for inspection, identification and dimensional control of automotive industry.

This particular field requires maximum production efficiency due to a high level of quality to ensure productivity, competitiveness and a safe and comfortable result.

SmartVision systems and vision solutions are used in quality control either for primary components and secondary in the automotive sector, in order to ensure the required production efficiency.

For Automotive Plastic Lights Industry in particular, is advisable the Easy_Spectro_RX, which allows to supervise the color control and its transmittance of rear lights of auto and motor vehicles.

Smart_Projector 55
Smart_Projector 55

Fast Industrial Video Measuring Machine with a 55×37 (mm) FoV


Fast Industrial Video Measuring Machine with ZOOM and four FoVs: ø 12/24/48/90 (mm)


Fast Industrial Bi-Magnification Video Measuring Machine with two FoVs: 60×45/108×73 (mm)

Smart_Projector 168
Smart_Projector 168

Fast Industrial Video Measuring Machine with a 168×113 (mm) FoV

Smart_Projector 224
Smart_Projector 224

Fast Industrial Video Measuring Machine with a 224×150 (mm) FoV

Easy_Projector 92
Easy_Projector 92

Price/Performance Digital Profile Projector with a 92×61 (mm) FoV


Live-Video Spot Colorimeter


Industrial Spectrophotometer for Glass & Plastic Color Check